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  • July 13, 2020

Beating Burnout

Beating Burnout

Beating Burnout 616 350 HR Studio

As we work from home for a far longer period than anticipated, our work-life balance is out of sync. Right now helping your employees to maintain a work-life balance to avoid burnout is priority.  Here are ideas to advocate some balance in the best interest of your people.

Sanction a hard finish:  Without having to navigate traffic after work or rush home to make dinner, many find themselves working longer hours eating into their  downtime. Let your employees know that it’s ok to log off at 5pm and not feel guilty. 

Permission to pause: Before remote working, many people skipped lunch or ate at their desks. Now that we are working at home all day, encouraging people to take an hour for lunch, or a walk or to spend time with children also at home, allows a good break from the screen.

No work weekends: For younger employees and those wanting to impress, taking a brief the minute it pops into your mailbox from your manager has historically been part of the job. Let it come from the top that no briefs can be given on a weekend allowing everyone to really relax

Want to help your employees beat burnout  but not sure how? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us info@hrstudio.co.za