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  • August 16, 2020

Remote Onboarding

Remote Onboarding

Remote Onboarding 616 350 HR Studio

Six months ago, the notion of finding a job, applying for it, getting it and starting it ALL remotely may have seemed a bit far-fetched. How things have changed in just a few months . Perhaps your business has successfully embraced remote hiring (nicely done), and now comes the process of remote onboarding. To help you along, consider this check-list and for anything else, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • A virtual welcome pack: starting a new job at home, alone might sound less intimidating than arriving at a new office full of people, but it’s also going to be a bit lonely and overwhelming. Make your new recruit feel as welcome and included as possible with a big virtual welcome call or company wide email officially welcoming them to the team. Perhaps set up individual team meet & greets with the different people that your new hire will be working with so they get to know people from day 1. Check in regularly in the first few weeks.
  • Providing IT support and equipment making sure your new hire is set up and ready to go helps to streamline the onboarding process and makes all the difference. Facilitate some time with your IT support to help them set up and access your business’s remote working systems, and provide them with a copy of your relevant policies regarding IT security and data protection. 
  • Virtual training and support – put a plan in place on how you to upskill and train your new hire, getting them as comfortable as possible. You can do this via Zoom or TEAMS. Also, be sure to check in regularly as there isn’t that same support you would have in an office full of people where you can simply pop your head up and ask for help.
  • Set goals and expectationsyour new starter may need more guidance without the structure of the office. Set clear objectives right from the outset. Consider creating a checklist for the first few weeks detailing the various key priority tasks. 
  • Tweak the processthis may be your first virtual onboard but it is highly likely that it won’t be your last. So once your new hire is all settled in, find out as much as you can about the experience.  Someone who has been through the process can highlight what worked or did not work so you can improve the process.